Benefits and Drawbacks of Postgraduate Study

Ken Lubong
4 min readFeb 12, 2022

In recent years the job market has become increasingly fierce, and standing out amongst all the other recent graduates is tough. The competition in the industry is at high stake, now more than ever.

While most professionals accept that it will take some years to climb the career ladder, others are taking an alternative route: a postgraduate degree.

Certainly, everyone who undertakes a journey to university is thinking about the amazing career prospects they will have once they complete their bachelor’s degree. The skills attained by studying a postgraduate degree will strengthen your professional presence and will validate your expertise. It can certainly help you stand out amongst those who haven’t obtained a postgraduate qualification. That’s obvious!

Needless to say, you will be acquiring knowledge at a higher level than what you previously studied during your bachelor’s degree. Postgraduate studies will help you develop the necessary skills for your field of work. It will expand your basic skills, enhance your knowledge, boost your self-esteem, and can greatly improve your career prospects.

An Afro-American student of postgraduate degree. [Image courtesy of]

Based from an intensive study, as well as personal experience of the author, here are the most common benefits of pursuing postgraduate study:

1. Broaden intellectual interests. A postgraduate program creates a logical progression from your undergraduate study. Embarking on a postgraduate degree will introduce you to research modules, learning innovations and creative environment that will certainly bring your intellectual capacity into high stake.

2. Start specializing. If you particularly enjoyed certain topics as an undergraduate student, you will be able to explore these topics in greater depth when you enroll on postgraduate study and contribute to your field. It not only boosts your credentials but also expands your network

3. Advance your career. If you are looking for progression within your existing role, obtaining a full postgraduate degree alongside your graduate job will make you gain additional skills and knowledge, and will imply to your employer that you are serious about career progression.

4. Enhance your employability. A postgraduate degree may help you to improve your chance of gaining a job in a competitive industry. In a difficult economic climate, additional qualifications will improve your career prospects, making you an asset to your employer or a better interview candidate.

5. Improve your salary prospects. While it is not guaranteed that a postgraduate program will boost your income, a postgraduate qualification will increase your chance of securing a higher paid job.

6. Personal achievement. Obviously, there is a lot of work involved in studying for a postgraduate course, so getting to the end of it and having the qualification under your belt is a great reward in itself, although the process is daunting, the price is certainly rewarding. Do not underestimate it! It will develop skills that will support you through daily life, such as time management, research and development, public speaking, presentation and writing skills. Depending on the field of expertise you are studying, you could find yourself in small classes and working closely with people who also share your background, allowing you to work within a team and consider different perspectives.

These are just some of the great reasons to think about pushing through for a postgraduate degree. However, you may be wondering if there are any downsides too. We outline these below so you can take everything into account and make the right decision for you.

🔗 Drawbacks

1. Scarce funding. Pursuing postgraduate study entails scarce funding. Funding is a huge factor and you will often need to manage your education, with salary upkeep, a mortgage or family responsibility. You may find some scholarships and financial support available for postgraduate study, including bursaries. There are also flexible study options, so you can fund your education by fitting study around your job. If your course is relevant to your job, you could even get support from your employer towards fees or study costs. However, if you are unable to secure one, you will have to meet the cost of your postgraduate study yourself.

2. Isolated social life. Postgraduate studies, most of the time, are independent in nature. Eventually, socialization becomes more restricted, especially with the given complex workload. You will find yourself occupied by learning modules, webinars, tutorials, or even spending more time in the library.

3. Higher workload. Assessment at postgraduate level may involve fewer essays and exams. However, assessments are longer and require you to go into more in-depth learning. It is no longer about the ordinary reading and making reaction papers. It is more about immersion in the professional community and doing researches, analytics and technical papers.

4. Inaccessibility to accommodation. As a postgraduate student, you will not necessarily be entitled to accommodation in your university’s halls of residence. This means that you must find your own accommodation, preferably located away from noisy undergraduates.

With all the benefits and drawbacks laid down, the many reasons to pursue postgraduate study weighs better at the top of it all. Being fueled by a dream of being successful in your career is a great place to start. This fuel is the desire to learn and contribute to your field of expertise.

Postgraduate study is worth it. Just be certain that is aligned with your career goals. Postgraduate study is a commitment. The process is daunting but the price is rewarding.

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Ken Lubong

Engineer. ASME and API Specialist. Author. Public Speaker. Youth Advocate. Former Student Leader. 🇮🇹